Panel Hat, the Best Item for Minimalist Style
In this influencer era, many styles can be tried to always appear stylish every day. Started from formal to casual, all are available on the fashion enthusiast social media accounts. Including how to wear accessories like panel hat, all those information is available and the number is also developing. For minimalist style, panel hat is the best choice as it has a simple shape and is able to be mix and matched with many items. Read on this article to find information about how to make custom panel hat which is much cooler from other hats sold in the market.
Some Unique Ways Wearing the Panel Hat
The right way to wear the hat is directing the visor to the front. In fashion, all are free to stylize and experiment things as what they want. Here are some unique ways wearing the panel hat:
Use it in front, but it is slightly crooked to the right or left
This is an almost correct style. The direction of the visor remains forward but with a slope of about 45 degrees to the right or left side. For the purposes of fashion photography, this style is suitable for displaying sharp facial features from the front.
Use sideways with the visor to the right or left
Another alternative is to wear a panel cap with a sidelined visor. This style makes a firm line on the wearer's forehead which makes the facial features, especially the forehead, look cleaner because the hair is covered with a crown cap.
Wear it reversed with visor towards the back
This is a unique yet familiar way one. Even though it is often used for antagonist role characterization on the screen, this style indeed look gorgeous and suitable for everyone. It gives a masculine vibe to the wearer.
Those are some unique ways wearing panel hat you can try. Wearing this hat properly is more recommended. But for once wearing it differently is fine.
Tips Choosing Panel Hat for You
The quality hat has been through such a great production process. The good or bad of an item also defined by whether it is suitable for the wearer or not. Here are some tips or ways choosing quality panel hat for you:
Choose one with adjustable strap
Panel hats come in one size, one item for all head sizes. The adjustable strap on the back enables you to enlarge and tighten to the wearer’s head. It eases everyone in wearing the panel hats. No need to worry that you will not find the right size because all will fit your heads.
Soft material, not rough
Hat as head cover should be made of safe material. It means the fabric used is soft enough to touch your head and not rough so the wearers will not be irritated wearing one. Besides, the high quality hat must have good quality material that absorbs the sweats.
Color selection that is easy to mix and match
For economic reason which does not force the wearer to buy many panel hats, buy panel hat which is easy to mix and match with other items you already have. Even though many fashion enthusiasts it is much satisfying to buy many for collection.
Customizable design
When others feel satisfied with the monotonous panel hat, you should be thankful that you are here able to make custom panel with your own design. Find out more in the next section!
Make Your Own Custom Design Panel Hat Only in!
Now you can appear different from others by make panel hat with your own custom design in! With years of experiences as a place of many custom printing solutions, we also have custom panel hat making service.
The best selected material combined with your design creation will result in such the best quality panel hat. Your new panel hat item can be created within a minute. Our latest advanced digital printing technology enables everything runs quickly.
Once the panel hat you order is ready, the delivery service that guarantees all order to be arrived at the right address will deliver it quickly. You can order 1 pcs for your own personal use. You can even order in huge amount for business purposes. We have No Minimal Order!
With dropshipping system that is well integrated with the current system, your business process is simplified. To be our official reseller, simply signup and the dropshipping will be automatically activated. It is time to make and print panel hat with your own design and appear uniquely as you want! Order now in!