Polycanvas Fabric The Pros and Cons Using This Fabric

Polycanvas Fabric The Pros and Cons Using This Fabric

custom.sg - When we bring leather up to the table in making stuff or clothes, we know that we will face some protest from the animal lover. They say we exploit animals just to satisfy humans’ need without thinking about the animals themselves. Meanwhile, people are growing so fast. It makes us left with no other choice than develop a new material than depend solely on leather.

Therefore, people have been trying to generate a better and efficient material, one of them is Polycanvas fabric. It is a perfectly durable material, especially when it is made from the synthetic fabric. The material is crafted using a plain weave, meaning the twist and weft threads are knitted into a basic crisscross formation. The poly canvas fabric is a better choice for home decor projects and will give your rooms an intense flair.

Polycanvas Fabric: The Pros and Cons Using This Fabric

On the other side, the modern canvas is usually made of cotton or linen. However, in the beginning, it was made from hemp. It differs from other heavy cotton fabrics, such as denim, in being plain weave rather than twill weave. The canvas is divided into two basic types: plain and duck. The threads in duck canvas are more tightly laced.

When you search on Google, you may have found that some companies offer far cheaper product than others. Why? Well, the major reason is the material they use to produce the stuff. At present days, the most popular canvas materials are polyester or cotton. We will show the differences below.

Plastic fibres are the material for Polyester canvas while cotton canvas is made from cotton fibres. Therefore, we can comprehend why Polyester is much cheaper to source and sell. The low-priced material is essential in gaining maximum benefit. That is why Polycanvas becomes the most popular material for companies to use.

Although polyester material gives us lively colours, it can loosen with quick temperature changes. Furthermore, it doesn't survive as well as cotton canvas. Polyester can’t absorb the ink as good as cotton. In polyester, the ink sits on top of the canvas. It makes some cracks and stretches in the future. In term of quality, Polyester canvas has a very cheap feel and resembles 'plastic' material.

If we compare it to cotton canvas, it is a durable and waterproof fabric. Cotton designed to last longer. The tight texture of cotton canvas means that it keeps its dyed colour almost flawlessly. Cotton canvases do not need an extra protective coating. Every material has pros and cons, be wise to pick one.