Terms and Condition | custom.co.id
  1. Definition
    • 'Custom.sg' is dedicated to this website, not the owner, operator and administrator.
    • 'File' dedicated to image document uploaded by user to Custom.sg and printed by Custom.sg's printer.
    • 'User' dedicated to the individual uploaded and accessing file on Custom.sg.
    • 'URL' dedicated to the location of every file in Custom.sg server.
  2. Service
    Custom.sg have the rights to updated or/and deleted the file uploaded in to the website and do not responsible for lost file or wrong URL. If you are not using Custom.sg services, you have the responsible for the safety of your account and you are agree of all the activity under your account.
    On Custom.sg, these files are prohibited under any circumstances:
    • Pornography and nudity
    • Illegal content or trademark related content.
    • Any image with the intention to disgrace one/some entity, or for commercial use.
    • Image or artwork with no distribution rights.
  3. Privacy
    All information given by user will be keep private, Custom.sg have the rights to use and distribute the information but will not use/distribute without any permission. Custom.sg have the rights to distribute the information if user has violate the law. All your file uploaded in to the website can be distributed across Custom.sg website and other media platform.
  4. Legal Agreements
    Custom.sg services, terms and conditions can be changed/updated without any prior notice. User have to guarantee that the image/file uploaded is not violating any trademark/copyright issue, Custom.sg will not be responsible if any violation happen against the image/file and user will be responsible fully for the image/file they uploaded and printed.
  5. Liability Limits
    Using Custom.sg service is fully user's own risk. Custom.sg services is merely 'printer and operator' basis without any security collateral. Custom.sg have the full rights to change, update, stop and resume every service feature and in any circumstances be it purposely or not purposely, will not be responsible for any damages and will not be returning any kind of damage regarding the service given. This disclaimer Disclaimer ini applied without limit to all damages/mistakes caused by system failure, misuse of service, delay in operational or transmission, virus, communication problem, data lost, illegal access to file/service.
  6. Chargebacks
    User is agree to not incriminate and involving Custom.sg on any claims from loss, damage, lawsuit regarding any illegal use of image/file. User have to be responsible for:
    • User responsible for all liability come from violating the trademark/copyright of image/file.
    • All material that against the law that is uploaded by User.
    • All material that against the law that is printed by User.
  7. Maintenance
    Custom.sg have the rights to conduct maintenance/repair if needed. User will agree in maintenance/repair downtime. Custom.sg will try to notify if there is any maintenance/repair unless things happen under different circumstances.
  8. Contact
    For any questions regarding the terms and conditions, User can contact Customer care in weekdays on the working hour time at (+65) 87000800 or email us to info@custom.sg