How to Make an Enveloped Pillow Case: Step By Step

How to Make an Enveloped Pillow Case: Step By Step

Making an enveloped pillow case can be a little bit intriguing, the result will not come of as the way you expect it to be if you do any little mistake. This is the procedure that you may follow if you are about to make an envelope style from your customized pillow case.


Steps to make an enveloped pillow case

  1. Firstly, before you start, you should wash your pillow cover thoroughly. If you don’t, the unwashed sewn material can shrink later when you give a heat to it. Even worse, in some cases it even leads to pillow case breakage. You should also wash the cover following the instructions that the customized pillow Singapore and cushion cover Singapore manufacturers provide to prevent any unwanted accident.
  2. For your nicely-made envelope pillow cover, prepare these following things: iron, measuring tape, matching thread, a half yard of fabric, sewing machine, a ruler, and a pencil for marking. You can also sketch your desired cushion cover beforehand.
  3. After that, use the measuring tape on your uncovered pillow to measure its overall dimensions. Measure the distance from one seam to another seam, do not forget to add an extra one inch of this distance to make your customized pillow cover size fits perfectly with your pillow.
  4. Make sure you only have at least 4 inches overlapping back panel from your pillow case. More than 7 inches is not recommended because it will make your customized pillow cover look weird. Measure this side with your available measuring tape.
  5. Now, it is time to iron the cushion cover. Put the material wrong side up on your ironing board. Then, fold over a quarter inch of the outside edge from the smaller panels. This side must be pressed with iron afterward to make the fold bold enough to be gone so easily. Fold it again with the other a quarter inch. After this step, you can finally sew the hem with a distance about 1/8 inch from inside the cushion cover edge.
  6. When your almost-done pillow case is still wrong side up, do another press with the iron. After that, take your scissor and be prepared to trim the unwanted corners to make the good ones. Poke the corners out with a needle when the cover is right side out. You can also follow how customized pillow Singapore and cushion cover Singapore manufacturers do this step to make the best out of this step. Voila, your enveloped pillow case is ready to use to serve your maximum enjoyment.

Before doing this overall procedure, make sure that you have the nicest material of your going-to-be pillow cover. It will add up a plus value to your overall enjoyment because the fabric will feel nice sticking to your skin.